These kid friendly Fall themed jokes are sure to get your little ones ready for Autumn! Those of us on the Teaching Tote team like to use them as conversation starters with students, ice breakers with children in all types of settings, and even as lunch box notes for our own littles! Be sure to let us know in the comments below which one is your favorite and even let us know if we missed a great one. We'll be sure to add it next year!

What do you call a car in the Fall? An AUTUMN-mobile!

What is it called when a tree won't accept that Fall has come? Disbe-LEAF

What is the most adorable season? Awwwwtumn!

What's the best way to look for an apple? Keep your eyes PEELED!

How much do you love eating apples? All the way to my CORE!
Here are a few more to enjoy without the memes!
Why did the apple pie go to the dentist? It needed a filling!
What kind of apple throws the best parties? Gala apples!
Who helps the little pumpkins cross the road? The crossing gourd
What did the pumpkin say to the pie baker? "Use apples instead."
Who is the leader of all pumpkins? The Pump-KING!
Which joke was your favorite?
These were adorable! My favorite was the "Disbe-LEAF" joke!