By: Becky Will

One lovely spring afternoon, my son, who is 7 and homeschooled, stood at a fence outside of a local playground eyeing a school participating in field day. He had a lot of questions about what they were doing, why and more importantly he posed the question, “How come they get doughnuts?! That’s not fair!”.
We talk A LOT about emotions and I could see a pang in his heart and could also see that he was becoming dysregulated. We had a conversation about what jealousy feels like. We dug a little deeper and he told me he was most jealous about the doughnuts, more than anything. No problemo. I offered suggestions, one of which was to make homemade doughnuts as his sister napped. He thankfully welcomed that idea with open arms!
We got home, I put the baby down for a nap and we began baking! As most recipes I seek out, I go for something simple. I don’t bake doughnuts often so I wanted something quick and easy. I found this vanilla doughnut recipe from Erren’s Kitchen and Owyn requested Nutella frosting. I could not say no to that combo!
If you don’t cook/bake with your kid, I strongly urge you to. I listed all the benefits in another blog post titled Cooking with Kids: Why It’s Worth It , but honestly, I’m in it a lot of the time to bond with my older kid and teach him a life skill. During Covid, he was 4 years old and he and I baked often. It was something that brought normalcy to the chaos around us and though we don’t bake as often anymore, I cherish the moments that we do.
Here we are 3 years later, and he is a rockstar in the kitchen; I can trust him around the oven, he can measure things precisely, crack eggs and read a recipe. It’s a whole new level of awesome and I love seeing his confidence shine.
So we worked together and made these delightful little doughnuts together with just Nutella spread over the top and they were very satisfying and easy to make! Should you be looking for a doughnut pan, I have these easy to clean silicone ones from Amazon.
Did you know that inside of a Teaching Tote is a carefully written lesson plan with occasional recipes/snack ideas to go along with the theme?! Yup! You can find that in my totes and some other specialists' totes as well!

Want to incorporate cooking/baking at home and don’t know where to start?! We are here for you. Here are some food-based Teaching Totes to rent from your local specialist!
Allison’s Bake Shop Tote (Loudon, NH) (featured above)