Whether you've rented a Teaching Tote from one of our talented Toters or you're simply a fan of the fabulously fun play-based learning activities that this group of passionate educators develop, you've certainly come to the right place to snag a few Halloween activity ideas to do at home with your little pumpkins this year!
In no particular order, here's a list of 5 of our favorite spooky ways to play:
1) Goodnight Goon Sensory Play Tray by Kristina Davis

Kristina paired one of her favorite seasonal books, Goodnight Goon by Michael Rex with her Applewood Toys Halloween blocks along with green and black dyed rice to create this spooky sensory play tray! She added in a “seek and find” to stay engaged and as a follow up to the story. What a fun way to stretch the interest of this already fun book while also tying in some additional matching and vocabulary skills! If you live in the New Lenox, Illinois area, you can rent a Teaching Tote from Kristina with great activities like this one by clicking right HERE!
2) Wrap a Mummy Craft by Jennifer Narula

Jennifer and her kiddos had so much fun making these simple mummies that they asked for more and more until they used up an entire package of people cutouts! All supplies are from Dollar Tree - twine, washi tape, cotton yarn, googly eyes, people cutouts, scissors, and pipe cleaners. She set out the tray you see here with all the options and let each child pick and choose which wraps they wanted to add to build a mummy. Activities like this are a great way to work on fine motor and scissor skills! If you live in the Naperville, Illinois area, you can rent a Teaching Tote from Jennifer full of fun things like this by clicking right HERE!
3) Gross Motor Pumpkin Toss by Kelly Brooks

Kelly and her little one lit up the night with some before bed gross motor play! This spooky pumpkin toss was quick to put together using Dollar Tree buckets and eyeball ping-pong balls! She used battery lights inside to glow up their play, and her little guy loved when the balls bounced off the jack’ o’ lantern’s face as much as when it went inside! Live in the Oakland County, Michigan area and want Kelly's help with activities like this? Rent a whole tote full of them from here HERE!
4) Monster Claw Salon by Marisa Delhay

Looking for a quick and easy Halloween craft? Here ya go! Trace those sweet little monster hands, draw on some claws, and have your goofy gremlin choose a nail polish to paint those claws with! As a variation to this, you can call it "Witch Nail Salon" instead depending on the interests of your little guy or ghoul! Marisa is happy to help folks in the Hooksett, New Hampshire area with totes full of activities like this one- find her collection HERE!
5) Spooky, Scary Skeleton Sensory Bin by Shannon Miscavage

Shannon loves supporting small sensory play shops like the ones represented here in her spooky, scary skeleton sensory bin (Hippie Hooray, Wonder and Whimsy Co., The Sensory Mess, and Paper Plane Educational Resources)! Sensory play has a number of benefits including but not limited to strengthening motor skills, providing opportunities to practice language and literacy, exposure to a variety of textures, development of practical life skills such as scooping and pouring, and SO. MUCH. MORE. If you'd like Shannon's help pulling all of this together, consider renting one of her awesome Teaching Totes HERE if you're local to Wrentham, Massachusetts!
That's all we've got for you tonight folks! Have a Happy and safe Halloween! Sending love, tricks, and treats from your pals on the Teaching Tote Team!
This is awesome. Thanks for all the great ideas for my kids and I when we get bored! We're going to rent a Teaching Tote as well!
So many fun ways to play!