Rental Play-Based Learning Activity Kits
Teaching Totes®
Rent. Learn. Return!
teaching totes: LOUDON
"Play is our brain's favorite way of learning."
-Diane Ackerman
Hi! I'm Allison Cloutier, your Loudon, NH Teaching Tote specialist!
About Me:
A speech language pathologist by trade, I have the expertise to work with parents and caregivers of children with varying disabilities, though I have a passion for promoting the power of learning through play for ALL families. Through interactions at work, and with my own family and friends, I noticed a disconnect in adults being able to support children’s needs through play, which is how they are meant to learn about the world around them. Play, interacting with kids and integrating speech and language needs into fun and engaging activities is so intuitive to me. I am on a mission to create change in this world by bringing inspiration of playful learning to other parents and educators around me, using my curated materials and lesson plans.
Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my two children and my husband, especially on outdoor adventures such as camping, swimming and walking in the woods. I am an avid reader and podcast listener and I am always absorbing information to better myself and the work that I do. I can talk (a lot!) and thrive on conversations with and connecting to others, though being at home relaxing, sitting in nature, or enjoying a peaceful yoga class is where I re-charge every day.